Friday, September 25, 2009

Compromise VS. Change

A friend of mine told me that she makes compromises for her "Man-boo". I asked "What do you consider compromise?" She told me that he doesn't like to go to "jams". Then she told me that she stopped going to "jams'' all together. I asked her if her "Man-Boo" asked her to so. She said "No I did that voluntarily". So then of course I asked were you happy with the choice you made? Did you slow down then stop or just straight up stopped? She says "At first it was rough, but I did it to save the relationship. And no, I just stopped going to ''Jams"!
See this is where this makes no sense to me in order to compromise both sides MUST come to an agreement. If I was in a relationship and someone did not like what I did then, OH WELL! Even though for a relationship to build you must compromise, I get that. So let me make an example of her. Her "Man-boo" doesn't like "jams" so what to do? Well ''Man-boo" you don't like them but "woman-boo" does here is a compromise:
How about one 'jam' a week. That is only 52 a year out of the 365 days of the year, and majority of the time not at the "jam" is spent with the "man-boo" or each other however you see fit. That to me should make everyone happy (no such thing). She gets to go to the "jam" and he gets his quality time (what a chump).
What she did in the beginning was a CHANGE. Her change was not going to "Jams" anymore. I mean she just came to a halt. From the outside looking in that looks like she alone made that discussion which happens a lot. Women make choices by themselves to "save" the relationship but as soon as things go wrong its "I did this and that for you and you do this and that TO me." But according to her, he never asked for her to stop she chose to and she was upset but he was happy so she was "happy" too. If she would have spoke to him about the situation it wouldn't get that far. Everyone changes but compromise takes time, patients, and understanding.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How to Survive Phase I (Show and Prove)

So you just started talking to this guy and you realized that there is something you don't like. What do you do?
Well first off he had to have done something that you liked for you to start talking (that's a plus). But you know you want to get down with him so instead of speaking on it you become frustrated and annoyed. Now that's all fine and dandy but its only ONE THING! Why are you bugging?
Here are somethings that might work:
  • You start off by saying things you like and dislike. For example: You are have a conversation and he says (they always do)"What do you like to do?". Now pay attention there are ways to say your dislikes and make them sound as if there were likes (I think y'all do this already). I like to stay at home and watch movies, I am a real homebody most of the time. That is an example of saying a dislike but as a like its a form of reverse psychology. Secretly you are saying I dont like to go out and party that much.
  • Dont play slow ball in the beginning. Remember ladies this is PHASE I (Show and Prove) of the relationship. On both sides you cant come to weak you will dead it (relationship). Come to strong you'll seem desperate and he'll go running. But never I repeat NEVER let him set the pase. If it was up to him he would stay single doing him as long as posible (oh and dont think that not giving up the skins is going to make him want to see what all the excitement is about. NOPE he will get bored of the convos and the teasing eventually he will stop trying and leave).
  • If you do decide to stop at PHASE I DO NOT LOOK BACK I say again. DO NOT LOOK BACK! If you do you will lose all home court advantage. Not even if he comes back wait until he does things your way or no way at all. If he doesnt meet you demands then its on to the next one.
  • And the most important one KEEP YOUR COOL. DO NOT GET JEALOUS! If he still talks to other women its ok its his way (mens ways) of security. If you drop him he has back up but play him like dominoes, you give him cards he can play on so YOU can shut his game down.
I know I just gave away a lot of secrets right but its not all of mines so dont worry fellas. Ask and you shall recieve. more women read my stuff then men so I write for who reads.

Too Much Love in the Panties

"If I am not 'feeling' him emotionally I cant sleep with him". This is a statement that I here a lot from women. I think its funny. So what you telling me is your vagina has feelings too? I mean a guy can go out and sleep with the next chick and not feel two ways about her after. ( I promote SAFE SEX WRAP IT UP HOMIE). On the other hand a man and a woman CAN have a one nighter. The women in those cases I guess they just know what they want outta life and whats done is done. I really can't tell you what is going thru there mind I can just tell you what I have observed. Like if a man and woman just have a sexual relationship it always have to go to the next step. After a while the question "Where are we going with this?" always comes up. Both sides do this, so fella don't think its just women yeah you know exactly what I am talking bout. I know some chicks that just wanna cut no emotions just CUT. Even with that said a lot of the time I see and hear things like "What if the sex is good but I am not feeling him emotionally?" Uhhh honey keep getting yours until you find that emotional connections somewhere else drop the other one and sex the emotions, but for now get yours. OK maybe that sounds wrong! Nah it doesn't! I don't know how many times I have been on the phone with some chick who I am not getting it in with, and she is tell me something bout she in the mood. Me being the kinda guy I am is like just come over I will give you what you looking for but don't get it twisted we aint going to start being a thing. "Uhhh I cant do that. I don't have that kinda of feeling for you?" Feeling last I checked you got plenty of 'feeling'' in you pants and I can be the one to put in work. Not good but I do what your looking for. Anyway that makes no sense if you have someone that your physically attracted to that just happens to not be your type. So why not? Is there something in you vagina the controls you emotions? Just take the emotions out and do you, but that's gotta be easier said then done.

LOVE Vs. Money

Ive heard "love dont cost a thing" If thats true it must cost to love. and if it cost to love who has to pay and what do you pay with?
To me Love is an illusion only to be seen by it's believers like Santa and the Easter bunny. It's shy so it's hard to grab like a unicorn. It's slick so it hard to catch like leprechaun. And it's hard to find like the end of a rainbow. To me love is a fairy tale and only y'all see the non destructive side of it.
I know a lot of people feel that in order to love money has nothing to do with it. I feel that is a bunch of crap. I mean dont get me wrong but people with money can fall in love with people with no money. Rare but it happens but I am talking numbers (Men and women lie numbers don't). Majority of the people that I have seen together that were "in love" were from the same tax bracket. On the real as I am typing this I cant honestly think of someone who got married or fell in love with money. Now dont twist up my word cause I know that exactly what bout to happen. I am saying fell in love with a person who just so happens to have money.
The reason I am saying this is because people in certain classes dont hang in the same parts. A person with money wont be in the hood. (I mean a smart one at least) So the one that he/she is looking for could be in the hood and he/she would never know. On top of that its rare to have the same intrest. Example A rich person might like golf a regular person might not even know the rules of golf and think its boring. Now I am just speaking from ONE MANS POV so dont get hype. I am not saying that it cant happen I am saying MIGHT.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


"Honey I'm home!" The "man boo" proclaims as he walks in stumbling from a night out with the homies.
"Where you been at!?" She immediately says.
"What you mean I told you I was going out! Ain't like I did anything. I even made it home safe!" he replies in hopes that the "got home safe part" will save him from the vicious tongue lashing he knows is coming.
She says "What that smell!?"
"Uhhh cologne!" he says.
"Boi that's Patron" she says and a fight breaks out and she storms out of the crib they were trying to make a home. After the back and forth they finally decide to just break it off. There were too many secrets that came to light she cheated he cheated the both in the wrong. But this is where the men separate from the women.

Immediately after this horrible break up she is "off" men! Here comes the Beyonce theme songs a bunch of lifetime and Tyler Perry movies! Now she feels she independent and all men are dogs because of one man! Any man trying to approach her then meets the man-eater. Who will then shred them up into little pieces and eat them and piss them out! Yeah I said piss them out cause she going to liquidate 'em! Not knowing that the guy she just finished could have been the one! Let's not says she ate him so fast maybe she turned into one that likes to play with her food like a kitten (pun intended). She let's him take her by the hand but everything he does is "wrong" why!? Because of what the last man did. She doesn't even want to see a hint of what happened before. So really she never lets her guard down to let him melt the ice that is around her heart! She has become another form of black widow she sucks all what she needs from him and then disposes of his remains after. The prey has become the predator. The predator has become the victim. This is where the nice-guys always get hurt. They run into a man-eater and are never the same after. But instead of being "off" women they just stop being the nice-guy and become what every other man is, a dog.

Now fellas I am not against us and I am surely not against the ladies but come on you know and I know we can have some dog like tendencies. From watching TV to going out with you girl and looking at the waitress' booty. We see this as innocent but in the eyes of a women some might say its dog like. You only supposed to have eyes for her. I say aint no harm in looking. I am a dog. After a break up with your "woman boo" men tend to be down and the way to come up is with another "woman boo" and this has to be done as quickly as possible. Actually she has to come so fast its almost to the point of desperation. When you do get her you have to make sure that the ex "woman boo" sees you out with her and you have to make it look like you are having the time of you life. See women when they have a break up they will go out with their girls. Men we want to go out with the next girl. Hopefully that girl is that girl she HATES. You know the one, yeah the chick who looks like a slut (in her eyes). We will do things that we never did with the "woman boo" before with the new "woman boo" in hopes to make her feel like "Why he aint do that with me?". I.e. You know good and well you dont like to go to the club and dance but she in there with her homies and you in there with the new "woman boo" and dancing your tail off. Secretly (if it was a lame break up) we want to get back together but, the ex "woman boo" playing hard ball so we shall too. Or maybe we dont want to get back with her and its just watching you squirm. Men dont get "off" women we get even.

Now the end result is that we are the same. Men do things to women as pay back for what the last one did to him. Like making it hard to like him but you like him but he treats you like garbage. Women just get "off" men because of what the last one did to her. We both wrong. In my eyes you broke up ok move on clean slate lets not carry what happened in the last relationship over to an new one. if you do its just sequel to the last movie with only one of the main character like the Friday movies. (We missed you Chris Tucker)

Oh yeah before I go this is ALL MY OPINION I feel they are FACTS from what I have experienced so just because you are an individual who doesnt do these things dont mean they dont have A LOT. thanks for reading come back I think I am going to do one on WOMEN AND THEIR EMOTIONS IN THE VAG!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Honestly I feel that if you are independent you need to be alone for the rest of your life. Whoa! now that's how you start an argument. I said that once in room full of women I think they almost tried to drop the building down on top of my head. There are many reasons why I say this. I mean its mostly because I am anti man-eater (e.g. Beyonce and Tyler Perry thats another blog). To define the word independent- free from external control and constraint. that says it all you independent do it ALL by YOURSELF. Being independent is completely IMPOSSIBLE. No matter how you bend the defintion its still the in black and white. External control (outside help) constraint (something that holds you back) or (lack of freedom). All these women scream they indepedent need one hard slap in they face (Neyo and Jamie Foxx aint helping either). If you going to be independent then dont complain why you are 'intimdating" to men. Its not that you "intimdating" it that you are a turn off. Everyone wants to be needed and if as soon as I walk up to you say you dont need me then oh well good night. ON to the Next One.
Now a go getter is what I want. Go getter does everything an independent chick does and more why? Because she ACCEPTS help HUMPH she will even ask for it. I mean, you know what you want then Go Get it! If you need a boost then take it. Go getters keep relationships going they are like Jordan on the '96 Bulls she makes the whole team look good. I mean she is the star player but you wont feel bad when she say we did this when you and her know that it was her MOSTLY.
so for me INDEPENDENT 0 Go Getters 1

If I Ruled the World

Fellas You ever sitting in your favorite spot and this fly chick gives you the eye while all these other guys are around? So instead trying to push and shove you way thru the hounds you wait to make your attack while she is alone. By the time you already pounded out 3 or 4 drinks to get that liquid courage to walk over and talk to her. You open your mouth to "kick game" and she smiles. Now you are noticing that she is really listening to you at all you check your breath armpits and say the ABC's in your head to make sure you not drunk. Come to find out she was look at you at all. You just happen to be sitting in a spot where the bartender (small-shirt-big-arm-bald-head-dummy) was working. So now you have waisted good words on some one who wanted nothing to do with you!
If I ruled the world women would approach men! I mean its not like they don't I just aint ran into this type yet!
Ladies You see that sharply dressed man walking to his car everyday, he leavea es and returns all the time! Sometimes you speak on occasion. you know, "Good Morning" "Good Afternoon" sometime you even take you trash out when he does and you put on your sexy nighty so he see you had the A/C on high when you come out! Mild flirting every now and then. Sometimes you have you slight conversations whts going on in your life kinda talk. Then one day you notice a car in the drive way! Its nothing to you cause he is not your man so why worry. Then that car is over a lot more but the flirting continues so you figures its just a friend of his. you dont want to ask any questions beacause then you wouldnt want to come off as stalking or noesy. One day the driver of the car comes out and get a glimps as you get into your car to pull off. He is right behind her your backing out as her door opens and he leans inside for a kiss. OH NO! thats his boo! come to find out they have been dating for a while and she just started coming over.
If I ruled the world Men and Women would wear a sign saying if they we single/dating/married!
So you have been dating for about 1 year and a couple months! Nothing serious but you know that you are feeling each other. So you go to the mall cop some matching outfits. (not exactly I hope, but the same color) You set a date. Now your palms are all sweaty your legs are shaking. Your about to make a major leap in there relationship. To TAKE PICTURES as a couple! AAAAWWWWW (wait I almost threw up in my mouth) you guys are going to look so cute in those uncomfortable poses. Well of course we are in the digital era so you ask if you are getting a digital copy so you can post them on the internet for freinds and family to see you guys "Love" for each other. Well as soon as the pictures are available for upload they are up and they are your display image on all you favorite social network sites! Now the WHOLE world can see who you boo is! YAY! now after you have worn those outfits till the colors look washed out and you can wear them as "at home" clothes you can feel the relationship fading just like the colors in those clothes. But you being you you have faith in this relationship and just going thru a bumpy time. Well one day out of the blue your "taken a break" that turns into a complete break up! What are you supposed to do with these albums and the display turns to just YOU? If you had some time (really you did you just aint know) you would have posted some status telling eveybody that yall was having a hard time but with out telling. LIke " UGHHH I can't stand (fill in the blank)" or "This plane looks like its going down" something right that way you could save face and not put up "I'm so OFF LOVE" "I am INDEPENDENT" or whatever!
So If I ruled the world break up require a two weeks notice since the 1st date is like an interview and you get "hired" you have to give a two week notice when you bout to leave that person.
Heres a TIP: Dont post pics of you other Half they are like tattos even after you remove them its still there!

Kanye Vs The Internet (and President Obama)

For the past couple of days this one issue has been eating at my computer screen like a monkey on a banana. Kanye West interrupting Taylor Swift during her acceptance speech of her first award. OK, yes what he did was a jerk move. I understand that. First off what is a VMA? Its not a Grammy or a Oscar. Who cares? You won't see (except in a MTV movie) "Winner of the Best Female Video" on a TV screen. My issues is what happen immediately after, from the instant he came on stage and took the mic there were F*ck Kanye's to Kanye is a A*hole but the one that takes the cake Kanye is a N*ger! yeah that last one takes up majority of what I have seen on the internet! how did this happen? From my point of view it was his passion that took over (same goes for Lil Mama's jumping on stage business) that had him saying everything that you wanted to say. I mean, dont act brand new! We know that Kanye dont care look at his record do we not remember Mike Myers face "George Bush hates black people"? or HOw bout something recent? Ego remix! Dj Glass Im the Ish Remix yeah! oh how quickly we forget!
Now the FACTS
  • numbers wise Taylor Swift did deserve that award (not agreeing) she is 8x Platinum and Beyonce is only 4x platinum so they would be more who bought her stuff. who would have voted
  • MTV is not BET what are expecting they still play Brittney Spear videos and she is a base head.

Now Whats Makes No Sense
  • Beyonce on Video of the Year but NOT Best Female! That doesn't make since if you have the BEST VIDEO OF THE YEAR then you should win ever SUB CATOGOREY to that.
Now not only are the racist getting in on Kanye's "outburst" but when he goes to apologize on Jay Leno, Jay pulls a buster card and asks Kanye. "How do you think your mother would feel she was alive? What do you think she would say?" If it was me "My Mom homie? She would have had my back matter of fact she would be on stage with me acting an ASS for everyone to see! next question!" we all know Kanye is not like that and he is a little over exhausted. He has been in grind mode since the passing of his mother and been burring himself in work I am guessing to hide his pain! He put an album out right after she passed no break in between. Not garbage HITS! So not only Jay Leno gets in on Kanye. the internet. but (wait for it) the President of the United States! WOW! Off the record the President say "Kanye is a Jack Ass"! WOW President Obama a WHOLE JACK ASS come on player. First off there is no such thing as "OFF the recoord" as President of the United States. Do you not remember Joe Wilson earlier that month? Did he not do the same thing to you? Thank you for your two cents. Now I know that Kanye's actions effects the outcome of my Health Care!
Even after that someone comes and take a TINY bit of pressure off of Mr.West. Enters President Jimmy Carter he say that Joe Wilson is a Racist and the flames on Kanyes butt are turned down from HIGH to Medium.
BUT for me who really saved the day was the Mighty Mos Def. He tells a crowd in the NY that he backs Kanye! He contiues to say that "He didn't kill that girl' "He didnt slap her, He just said exactly what you wanted to say!"
So out of this Taylor Swift has gotten her first award her time to shine again (thanks Beyonce). Kanye apologized personaly and with this Taylor Swift is now know even by me. Maybe Kanye should interupt a Rock City concert so they can get famous.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My HOT 16

Puts words together make them sound special
Put shovel to head make your thoughts level
Lower your bass and turn up the treble
What I came here is to tear up the show
Uh emm excuse me, let me clear my throat
Now watch closely while I kick my flow
Sit back
I bout to to start a riot
No! You in the front yeah you, be quiet
If i wanted one you wouldn't be my hype man
Cause when I kick flows I strikes like lightening
It's cool I talk about drinking women and the next word
If you wasn't worried bout me you still wouldn't be two places behind 3rd
Yo check, look this ain't what I came here for
But you got 5 stinking seconds to hit that door
Pick up 6 verses
Come with 7 letters
Cause if you want to eat you need bout 8 reverends
Cause I'm hotter than 9 suns
You going need 10 women
If you don't like them I'll give you 11, pimpin'
12 months outta there year I go hard
I got more than 13 ways to pull your card
Mess with me you be unlucky like 14
I ain't worried bout 15 dollars, I get more cash more cream
But the next time someone asks if I can spit 16
Tell that fool I can do this here in my sleep

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Open Wide

Say lil homie we pop them bottles
Come over here you look like a top model
Grey Goose and Hennesy you know we stay pouring up
Why you standing there with your face on stuck
Got a lil drank so you know I'm gonna cut
You can be my Halley Berry cause you got that look
Walk away from your man cause you bout to get took
I can heat it up but, Jody ain't a cook
It's been a long day tell what you drinking
Happy hour just started tell me what you thinking
I ma broke homie we don't pop champaign
But I can take you to the pad and I can do my thang

Long island ice teas got you feeingl tipsy
As soon as I walk away you already miss me
I don't do PDA so please don't kiss me
Carnberry and vodka you know that I am the man
Don't spit game but you know that I can
Once your song come on you dancing like Beyoncè
With all that moving I know you getting thirsty
So go on get loose like it's your birthday
I'll be your candle you can come blow me
After you finish I bet you'd wish for Jody G
Look like there's nothing left in ya cup
Come over here and go on fill it up