Saturday, August 15, 2009

Not an Entertainer!

Someone had the nerve to tell me that what I does is not entertainment
I looked him in the face a said meet me on stage then
Potna' cause what you do is jump around I suggest you move around
Now let me break it down
You and I are in the same you do you with guitars and drums
I can take your guitar and drums and go dumb
You make a crowd move I can make 'em come
What you does is sing but see diction is done at the tip of the tongue
My walk is your run
Your talk is my fun
So don't tell I can't do nothing you did
When in actuality i am hip hop's kid
So I can do techno disco and rock
Since you can't I suggest you kindly kick rocks
Let me ask you can you do what you do off top
Now I ain't saying that my genre is better than yours
I'm saying you perform and I does tours

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